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MLB ヤンキース ゲリット・コール 直筆サイン ユニフォーム Fanatics(ファナティクス) (MLBJRSY022720)

flash sale icon タイムセール
新品 71220.5円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :70094907385
中古 :70094907385-1
メーカー MLB 発売日 2025/02/14 12:10 定価 71220.5円

MLB ヤンキース ゲリット・コール 直筆サイン ユニフォーム Fanatics(ファナティクス) (MLBJRSY022720)

Add one of the MLBs premier pitchers to your New York Yankees collection by picking up this Gerrit Cole autographed White Nike Authentic Jersey. Cole signed a nine-year, $324 million contract with the Yankees in 2020, which made him the highest paid pitcher in the MLB at the time. In his first year with the Yankees, he became the first player in MLB history to win three postseason games with 12 or more strikeouts. The next year, he led the AL in wins with 16, while earning All-Star and First-Team All-MLB honors. In 2022, Cole led the MLB in strikeouts for the second time in his career, which earned him his fifth All-Star selection. There is no doubt that Gerrit Cole will be a key member of the New York Yankees for years to come, so show your excitement by making this signed memorabilia part of your collection.Includes an individually numbered tamper-evident hologramSignature may varyAutographed jerseyMade in the USAOfficially licensedBrand: Fanatics Authentic

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